How to enter

Give your book the opportunity to flourish

terms and conditions

German Garden Book Award

In the year of 2006 Schloss Dennenlohe awarded the "German Garden Book Award“ for the first time, presented by Stihl  - as a premium award for the German book market. Schloss Dennenlohe also additionally, initiated the "European Garden Book Award“ in 2010, it was created for the European Market and has become extensively known throughout Germany and Europe.

Ongoing, the award will be presented every year in March as part of an exclusive soiree at Schloss Dennenlohe.

If you are interested to participate please send us your book in six copies for the German Award till the 27th of February 2025.

Furthermoer, the members of the jury will select the best books of the two following categories: "Best European Photo Book“ and „Best European Garden Book“. The judges reserve their right to assign books to a different category if it is deemed necessary. 

Moreover, please be aware, that all books must be edited in the recent year or the year before - hence, for the Award in 2025 - the book must be published in 2025,  2024 or 2023. Second editions of an older work are also permitted but only if they have not yet been awarded. There are no entry fees for the competition, however if your book is nominated and wins a price, there will be an invoice for ads (350,- Euro for the third price, 400,- Euro for the second price and 450,- Euro for the first price. Nevertheless, we do need 3 books for the press work from the first winner.)

terms and conditions

European Garden Book Award

The "European Garden Book Award" represents the premium Award for the best European garden book, which is chosen by a European jury. German publishers can also submit books that they print under license or books written by European authors.

For participation please send four copies of your book to Dennenlohe - the books for 2025 should have been printed in the years of 2023, 2024 or 2025.

There are no entry fees for the competition, however if your book is nominated and wins a price, there will be an invoice for ads: 300,- Euro for the third price, 350,- Euro for the second price and 450,- Euro for the first price. Nevertheless, we do need 3 books for the press work from the first winner.


terms and conditions

European Garden Photography Award

Schloss Dennenlohe, together with the jury of the English institution "International Garden Photographer of the Year" (IGPOTY), awards the EGPA, where the best European garden photographs are presented. After the award, the winning pictures tour to exhibitions all over the world and appear in the famous IPOTY Exhibition Book.

The first three places will receive the following prize:

1st place "European Garden Photo Award": €500.00

2nd place "European Garden Photo Award": 300,00 €

3rd place "European Garden Photo Award": € 200.00

See the winners

Deadline for 2024 is 30. October 2023!


Freiherrliche von Süsskind´sche
Schloss und Gartenverwaltung
Dennenlohe 1
91743 Unterschwaningen

Tel: +49 (0) 9836-96888
Fax: +49 (0) 9836-96889

Über den Veranstalter

Schloss Dennenlohe wurde 1734 mit allen seinen Nebengebäuden erbaut und gilt als eines der schönsten Barockensembles in Bayern. Das Schloss wird vom größten Rhododendronpark Süddeutschlands sowie von einem 26 Hektar großen Landschaftsgarten umgeben.
